How to make your content go viral?

We often hear or read about blog posts and great content that went viral and wonder how the authors did it. Well, it’s got nothing to do with being a content strategy expert or with beginner’s luck. Once you activate the viral triggers and lead with persuasion, you will get tons of traffic in your site. If you’re a blogger or a content creator for social networks or marketing, this may be the information that you’ve been looking for.

The word “viral” means “relating to a piece of content that is circulated rapidly and widely from one web user to another.” In other words, you want to create great content that’s intended to be shared across social networks and spread – like a virus.
If that’s the case, then to achieve virality, you have to carefully craft your content creator strategy and execute with attention to the details. To a large extent, the quality of the work that you do will determine how far your content gets shared.
So, you need to learn how to create content types that have the possibility of going viral. A lot of factors have to come together, but one of the biggest challenges for many content marketers is the need for a shift in mindset towards valuable content

Here are 3 of the most important factors that will make content go viral and spread like wildfire across social networks:
Evoke emotion: Content that evokes an emotional reaction is more likely to go viral. Such emotions include awe, wonder, anxiety, sadness and humor. This is where the mediums of video content or visual content work so well, yet other content types like well written thought pieces or clever list posts can also bring worth and wonder to social media platforms.

Positive message: While great content may be shared for many reasons, the pieces of content that stimulate positive feelings tend to perform better than those that stimulate negative feelings, boasting a higher click to tweet rate.¿, author’s gender and length) to determine what factors were most often found in great content that went viral, the researchers concluded that content that is useful in a practical way has a high chance of going viral. This may mean adapting your digital marketing campaign in a way that puts valuable content first.

Don’t forget that people also shared these videos on their social network or via click to tweet because the experience of watching made them feel good – or at least better. This is known as social currency – people share and talk about things that make them feel cool or improve their self-worth, this is one of the driving forces behind using a social network.

The social currency wheel explains it better:

To help you fully understand the science behind why some content types catch on, here’s a diagram of Berger’s “Six STEPPS” to virality:

So, what are you waiting for? Go get that post viral!! ;) 


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