Sentiment Analysis - Why & How Brands Are Turning Sentiment Online?
Gone are the days when brands
were fixated merely on brand awareness, recall, and hard numbers about a
campaign. For today’s marketing campaigns which aim at changing consumer
behavior, induce action, change buying pattern in the long or short term; it is
important to move away from these traditional marketing metrics to the newer
ones. And one such emerging metric is Sentiment
WHY turning
sentimental makes sense?
To be able to influence
consumer behavior, it is important to start off by understanding the consumers’ perception about brands in a category
and the best way to do so is TO LISTEN.
Listen carefully to the feedback about their brands & campaigns. Listen carefully to the reactions of
audiences and their responses to the brand content so as to develop a broader understanding of the “real context” behind
these emotions. In comes sentiment analysis to make this task of
understanding general public sentiment less of a task and more of a boon for
today’s marketers. If a part of
your marketing strategy includes social media and content marketing (and it
should), it is about time to learn more about sentiment analysis
and we are here to get you started!
WHAT does sentiment
analysis actually mean?
Sentiment is
nothing but the feeling or emotion
behind a mention of your brand in the social media universe. It is a way to
evaluate consumer engagement with
the brand by means of comments and references to gain an understanding of the
overarching feeling surrounding your brand. In a nutshell, sentiment
analysis involves
the analysis of comments posted on social media platforms
such as blogs, twitter, facebook, etc. However, instead of analyzing just
words, sentiment analysis identifies the
person's attitude towards the brand by using variables such as context,
tone, emotion, among others. Just because a campaign saw high engagement with
15000 fb mentions, it doesn’t directly translate into good news for the brand
unless the true sentiment surrounding the campaign is analyzed. It can wreak
havoc for the brand if most users were actually complaining and this online
outpour on social media resulted in a negative word of mouth.
HOW do we measure
& analyze sentiments?
paired with more traditional measurement tools such as Google Analytics,
sentiment analysis can help create a
richer brand portrait and direct
your future social media and content strategies. The next logical question
then is how to measure sentiments & here are the three main ways to go
about it-
- On your own – If you have the time and the commitment, you
can read, track and score each mention of your brand. Humans are by far
the best tool. Why? Because machines will never be quite as good as humans
in recognizing the subtleties of language, such as sarcasm, or terms of
common usage such as OMG or LOL.
This may be a viable solution for
small brands, but as your online footprint grows, it may become an impossible
- Free tools – There are many free online tools available that
track and measure sentiment, such as Social Mention, Twendz, PeopleBrowsr and Sentiment140. Each has its strengths – and weaknesses – so you may
end up using different free tools to track different areas of sentiment.
- Paid services – Sophisticated services like Attensity360 and Lithium
Customer Intelligence Center use
algorithms to determine customer sentiment across multiple channels.
However, most tools have a hard time registering sarcasm, irony and slang,
and they still require a level of human oversight.
P.S.-The intent
of this post was to give you a quick idea about the What, Why & How parts
of Sentiment Analysis. A more detailed view on the same will be taken up in
future posts.
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